Działaj lokalnie, łącz się globalnie
Czyż nie byłoby wspaniale, gdyby nasze środowisko pracy i narzędzia, których używamy, zostały zaprojektowane z uwzględnieniem rzeczywistych potrzeb ludzi? Dropbox spełnia to marzenie, kreując nowoczesne i uświadomione rozwiązania.
Czyż nie byłoby wspaniale, gdyby nasze środowisko pracy i narzędzia, których używamy, zostały zaprojektowane z uwzględnieniem rzeczywistych potrzeb ludzi? Dropbox spełnia to marzenie, kreując nowoczesne i uświadomione rozwiązania.
Nasza kultura jest w pełni skoncentrowana na Twoich potrzebach
Virtual First to rozwiązanie, które promuje elastyczność i zadowolenie z życia, pozwalając Ci na wykonywanie pracy na najwyższym poziomie, co przyczynia się do osiągania biznesowych sukcesów i zapewnia lepszą przyszłość. U nas możesz pracować zdalnie z praktycznie każdego miejsca na świecie i cieszyć się większą swobodą. Jednocześnie przywiązujemy ogromną wagę do sprawnej komunikacji i dobrych relacji w zespole, udzielając wsparcia tam, gdzie jest to potrzebne. Oferujemy wiele możliwości rozwoju oraz finansowe korzyści, które mogą być przeznaczone na specjalne wydarzenia lub spotkania twarzą w twarz.
Spełniaj się zawodowo z pomocą
- Hojne kwartalne dodatki na koszty osobiste, telefoniczne i internetowe
Łączymy ludzi
- Dropbox Neighborhoods: Ponad 20 lokalizacji na całym świecie skupiające dziesiątki pobliskich Dropboxerów, którzy mogą osobiście nawiązać kontakty podczas sponsorowanych przez firmę eventów.
- Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Bezpieczna przestrzeń dla Dropboxerów i ich partnerów biznesowych z różnych środowisk, sprzyjająca nawiązywaniu nowych kontaktów, wymianie wiedzy oraz uczestniczeniu w atrakcyjnych eventach.
Communications (1)
Our Communications team brings the Dropbox story to life and shares it with the world. From product announcements to user stories to speaking engagements, our work takes many forms and reaches diverse, international audiences. We build compelling narratives to help people connect with our product, brand, and vision.
Emerging Talent (2)
Over the years at Dropbox, Emerging Talent has created a variety of internships, apprenticeships, and early-in-career full time opportunities to build pathways for exceptional early career professionals to succeed at Dropbox. Supported by a community of mentors, program graduates, and fellow participants, our Emerging Talent programs are the perfect place to start your career in tech.
Engineering (32)
Our Engineering team is working to simplify the way people work together. They’re building a family of products that handle over a billion files a day for people around the world. With our broad mission and massive scale, there are countless opportunities to make an impact.
Remote - Poland
Android Software Engineer
Remote - US: All locations
Backend Product Software Engineer
Remote - Poland
Backend Product Software Engineer
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Backend Product Software Engineer
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Backend Product Software Engineer, DocSend Platform
Remote - US: Select locations
Backend Product Software Engineer, DocSend Platform
Remote - US: Select locations
Backend Product Software Engineer, Sync
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Backend Product Software Engineer, Sync
Remote - Poland
Data Engineer, New Initiatives
Remote - Poland
Infrastructure Software Engineer
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Infrastructure Software Engineer
Remote - US: Select locations
Infrastructure Software Engineer
Remote - US: All locations
Machine Learning Engineer, Search
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Machine Learning Engineer, Search
Remote - US: All locations
Principal Software Engineer, Dash
Remote - US: Select locations
Security Engineer, Infrastructure & Cloud Security
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Security Engineer, Infrastructure & Cloud Security
Remote - US: Select locations
Senior Backend Product Software Engineer
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Backend Product Software Engineer
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Frontend Product Software Engineer
Remote - US: Select locations
Senior Frontend Product Software Engineer
Remote - US: All locations
Senior Machine Learning Software Engineer, Search
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Machine Learning Software Engineer, Search
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Product Software Engineer, Privacy Engineering
Remote - US: Select locations
Senior Product Software Engineer, Privacy Engineering
Remote - US: Select locations
Staff Technical Program Manager, Engineering Operations
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Staff Technical Program Manager, Engineering Operations
Remote - US: Select locations
Strategic Sourcing Manager - Cloud Services
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Strategic Sourcing Manager - Cloud Services
Remote - Canada: Select locations
VP, Software Engineering - Core
Remote - US: All locations
VP, Software Engineering - Core
Remote - Poland
iOS Software Engineer
Finance (1)
Our Finance team builds the financial infrastructure to scale our growing company. We combine analytical and strategic thinking to develop a sound financial future for our global brand. We work closely with teams across the company, as well as with external partners.
Information Technology & Services (1)
ITS delivers business technology strategy and solutions to our Dropbox business partners so they can work confidently, move fast, and scale effortlessly. We aspire to be the connective tissue to the core business of Dropbox as a partner of choice that accelerates and simplifies outcomes. We source, build and implement the right technology solution, and fit it into exactly the right place so that everything meets the high bar that Dropboxers expect.
Legal (3)
Our Legal, Policy, Trust & Privacy teams help keep users and their stuff safe, protect Dropbox, counsel Dropboxers on challenging problems, and are always synced with the Dropbox teams they work with. We deal with novel issues every day while standing up for users and helping the company and product grow.
Marketing (6)
Our Marketing team sets product positioning and strategy, manages product launches, and gathers customer insights. We’re responsible for maximizing our products' potential, in order to delight our users and help Dropbox grow. We partner with teams across the company, including Product, Sales, and Engineering.
Remote - US: Select locations
Campaign Operations Lead
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Campaign Operations Lead
Remote - US: Select locations
Senior Director, Digital Marketing
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Director, Digital Marketing
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Senior Manager, Integrated Campaigns
Remote - US: Select locations
Senior Manager, Integrated Campaigns
Product (6)
Our Product team advocates for our users and our business, setting the vision for our growing family of products. We use data, research, strategy, and empathy to guide multidisciplinary teams toward a common goal, balancing diverse perspectives and empowering our teams to do great work. As we scale globally, there’s plenty of space for you to grow alongside us and simplify life for millions of people around the world in team that always focuses on we, not I, and creates delightful products that are worthy of trust.
Remote - US: Select locations
Data Scientist
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Data Scientist
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Staff Data Scientist, New Initiatives
Remote - US: Select locations
Staff Data Scientist, New Initiatives
Remote - Canada: Select locations
Staff Payment Specialist
Remote - US: Select locations
Staff Payment Specialist